The Way of Tea and Justice: Rescuing the World's Favorite Beverage from its Violent History
Author: Becca Stevens
Publisher: Jericho Books
Review written by Nelle Howard (Resource Center Director)
for The Presbytery of West Virginia
How are the two related? What does tea have to do with being just?
If you know much about the history of the world you have to know a little something about the history of tea and then you must realize that the history of tea includes one unjust act after another.
The history of injustice became global with political and corporate espionage in 1848. That is when Robert Fortune disguised himself as a Mandarine in order to gain access to a Chinese tea production facility. From there tea made its way to several British colonies where forced labor produced most of the tea that the world drank.To feed our tea addiction today most tea plantations continue to over-work and under-pay tea producers.
When we drink a cup of tea we are connected to the worker who picked and processed the leaves. We are connected to the plantation owner who decides how to hire and treat workers and we are connected to the countless men and women who have put on kettle of water to heat and who, then, wait. The author of Tea and Justice wants us to consider these connections and how much better that tea may taste if it includes a significant amount of care and justness.
Green tea was first harvested for drinking 3500 years ago, followed a 1000 years later by the cured product we know as black tea. This black tea is the most common tea for Europeans and Americans and is what you probably use to make your ice tea.
Through their waiting they are connected to the thousands of others who, through the centuries, have waited.
Our waiting connects us to the woman who hunches over a small fire in a circle of stones; it connects us to the soldier, rubbing his cold hands together as he watches his breath and his water slowly begins to bubble. Each of us waits with the same anticipation, the same longing for something good.

Recently, Thistle Farms has opened the Thistle Stop Café. a place to slow down, have a cup of justly produced tea and perhaps tell your story.
Each tea cup used in the cafe comes with its own story, some of which are written, framed and hung on the walls of the café.